Chelsea Comer

#180 - Sunshine Biscuit Division

You're about to get more than you bargained for as Dead Palette, Chelsea and Travis become the Sunshine Biscuit Division. They rise and shine the light of day on a lost scene of "Saved By The Bell" and a haunted copy of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3

#156 - Short and Shivery 21

Dead Palette and Chelsea are back, and so is Short and Shivery in a short timespan. Ity's time for more haunted gaming, in this case Resident Evil 4 and Devil May Cry. Do we even need to ask at this point if these stories will be any good? Because we all know in our hearts how it's probably gonna go down...

"Resident Evil 4: One Chance Only" has no original credit; "Devil May Cry: Dante's Revenge" is credited to Dragonrights72.

#154 - Short and Shivery 20

Dead Palette is flying solo in this episode, joined only by his mysterious Tulpa, C.F. Comer, as they spelunk into a pair of pastas based on Tomb Raider. What a great way to start 2018, eh?

"Tomb Raider Creepypasta" is credited to Percydercymercy2; "Tomb Raider 3: Game Over!" is credited to SmashBrawlFanfiction.

#116 - "Dumb Angel" Part 1

We promised it, and it happened: here begins the sordid account of how nine people got together with drinks and began to read the gargantuan sequel to Happy Appy. Join David, Kaela, Dead Palette, Allen, Seid, C.F. Comer, Abysmii, Papreeka and Prasokour as we return to Dronian's opus world of Gerasim and Forenzik's eternal struggle.

"Dumb Angel" is credited to Dronian.

#67 - "Link's Shadow in Soul Calibur II" (Live at Ohayocon)

The gang meets up in Dead Palette's neck of the woods to host a panel at Ohayocon 2017. David, DP, Kaela, SoberDwarf and newcomer Chelsea Comer all sit in for a live performance of a Creepypasta classic and then a blind read of a story chosen by the groans of the audience at the mention of its title...