Midnight Marinara

Jason Caits-Cheverst

Episode 38 - "The Ghost Club"

A gentleman incarcerated in Sing Sing prison recounts the strange and absurd circumstances that led him to his present state, involving a set of silver spoons and bevy of famous ghosts...

Featuring the voices of (in order of appearance) Ben Paddon, Michael Malconian, Jason Caits-Cheverst, Kira Buckland, Nick Barbera, Katie Patterson and Matt Holley.

Opening theme by John King; additional music by Kevin MacLeod, Calikokat 116, gompertsff@gmail.com and CaptainInsanity.

Based on the short story by J.K. Bangs. Read it here.

Episode 24 - "When Gods Blink"

On the 25th of March, at 14:57 GMT, the world stopped for 27 minutes and 54 seconds. No one noticed at first. Those that eventually did were ordered to keep quiet...

Featuring the voice talents of (in order of appearance):
- Ben Paddon (PortsCenter)
- Jason Caits-Cheverst
- Kaela Berry

Opening theme by John King; ending theme by Kevin MacLeod
Mixed and edited by David King

Based on the original story by CharminglyShallow. Read it here.

Episode 15 - "Knocking"

Tormented most of his life by a series of strange knockings, a man visits a therapist to try and gain clarity on these unnerving incidents...

Featuring the voices of (in order of appearance) Jason Caits-Cheverst, Emma Goddard, Sam Rusk and Joe Rusk.

Music by Kevin MacLeod
Mixed and edited by David King

Based on the original story by Steven Shorter. Read it here.

Episode 1 - "Just Telling Stories"

Two people spending a night in a hotel room tell each other scary stories, and their imaginations begin to run wild...

Featuring the voices of Jason Caits-Cheverst, Sarah Llewellyn and David King
Music by Kevin McLeod
Mixed and edited by David King

Original story by Karl Drinkwater. Read it here: http://www.creepypasta.com/just-telling-stories/
Check out Karl's blog here: http://karldrinkwater.blogspot.com/
Karl's horror novel, Turner: http://karldrinkwater.blogspot.com/p/turner.html