Midnight Marinara

Emma Goddard

Episode 46 - "String Theory"

Martin wakes up one morning to find countless strings tied between the people and things he encounters, and is seemingly ignored for his lack of connecting twine. After untying his friend Lucy, he realizes that perhaps there is more to these mysterious strings than just a prank...

Featuring the voices of (in order of appearance) Peyton Pearson, Katie Patterson and Emma Goddard.

Based on the original story credited to Tesla. Read it here.

Opening theme by John King; additional music by Kevin MacLeod and Freeplay Music.
Mixed and edited by David King.

Episode 43 - "The Disappearance of Ashley, Kansas"

Sometime during the night of August 16, 1952, the small town of Ashley, Kansas ceased to exist...

Featuring the voices of (in order of appearance) TJ Dasch, Michael Malconian, Nick Jewell, Matt Holley, David King, Emma Goddard and Sparrow Rayne.

Based on the original story by CoasterKid93. Read it here.

Opening theme by John King; additional music by Kevin MacLeod.
Mixed and edited by David King.

Episode 41 - "Dead Man's Blues"

A car accident on a stormy night leaves Warren stranded on a supposedly-haunted road, where the Blues guitarist Bone Daddy Barry met his end. Luckily, a friendly stranger with a burn on his face arrives to give Warren a lift...

Featuring the voices of (in order of appearance) Slimebeast, Jordin Overton, Darin De Paul and Emma Goddard.

Written by Kaela Berry and David King. This episode is dedicated to the memory of David Berry.

Opening theme by John King; additional music by Kevin MacLeod, Jelly Roll Morton and Freeplay Music.
Mixed and edited by David King.

Episode 39 - "Management"

The Ringmaster unveils his side of a two-part carnival sideshow: Baxter Melvin, a professional wrestling manager who just can't seem to catch a break one exhausting and strange Halloween evening...

For the rest of the story, check out "Malnourished," presented by Dead Palette.

Featuring the voices of (in order of appearance) Matt Benson, Marissa Marinello, Katie Patterson, Davis Arnold, Elana K. Arnold, Dead Palette, Emma Goddard, Matt Holley, Joe Adams and Kaela Berry; the voice of the Ringmaster is Xander Mobus.

Opening theme by CaptainInsanity.
Mixed and edited by David King.

Written for Midnight Marinara by Dead Palette.

Episode 32 - "Yo, Dude, Do You Own a Dog?" (April Fool's Day Special)

Midnight Marinara is hijacked by Afternoon Alfredo! With the original planned story interrupted, have instead this oddball tale of three confused and troubled teenagers as they battle an ancient evil named after a garden tool...

Featuring the voices of (in order of appearance) Robin King, Matt Holley, Peyton Pearson, David King and Emma Goddard.

Music by Kevin MacLeod, with various vintage production tracks.
Mixed and edited by David King.

Based on the original short story by Ellen M. Read it here.

Midnight Snacks - "Sarah O'Bannon"

A brief history lesson in burial practices, precautions, and tombstone fact-checking, courtesy of Harold the gravedigger.

Introducing Midnight Snacks - short and shivery tales in bite-sized chunks.

Featuring the voices of David King and Emma Goddard.

Mixed and edited by David King.

"Sarah O'Bannon/Coffins" is an original short story whose author remains unknown.

Episode 21 - "The Good People"

Four young women go for a day hike in the woods on a tiny Newfoundland island, unintentionally stumbling upon the local folklore in the process...

Featuring the voice talents of (in order of appearance):
- Katie Patterson
- Emma Goddard
- Sparrow Leigh Rayne
- Marissa Marinello
- April Hawley

Music by Kevin MacLeod
Mixed and edited by David King
Logo and background by Emma Goddard ( http://bucketfox.deviantart.com/ )

Based on the original short story whose author remains anonymous. Read it here.

Episode 15 - "Knocking"

Tormented most of his life by a series of strange knockings, a man visits a therapist to try and gain clarity on these unnerving incidents...

Featuring the voices of (in order of appearance) Jason Caits-Cheverst, Emma Goddard, Sam Rusk and Joe Rusk.

Music by Kevin MacLeod
Mixed and edited by David King

Based on the original story by Steven Shorter. Read it here.