Midnight Marinara's David King in Random Encounters panel at Comikaze 2014!

Comikaze 2014 attendees will be able to see David King live at the Random Encounters panel Saturday 2:30pm in Room 308AB.

Random Encounters produce humorous and musical videos based on video game characters and release them on YouTube. King has been part of several of their productions including "The Eevee Song" and "Pokemon University", both times as Professor Oak. In "Arkham Origins Rock Opera" he portrayed Scarecrow. "Both let me play characters I really enjoy, and both are top-notch in terms of production value," King said.

He first appeared in "Tetris: The Movie" as T-Block's voice. King met the Random Encounters crew two years ago at AM2, an anime convention. "When I expressed that I was into voiceover, they told me they'd keep in touch," King said. Since then he has been in 13 Random Encounters productions total.

"I always tell people to check out 'The Legend of Ganondorf' if they're curious about Random Encounters. It was the first one of theirs I saw, and I still think it's one of their best. Snappy lyrics, goofy antics and good editing make it a lot of fun!" King said.

David King is the creator of Midnight Marinara, a podcast hosted on the Benview Network.