Review: Doctor Strange
Show Notes: Jordan had a chance to sit down with Clare Dickerson and Cheya Cary to discuss Doctor Strange, how it fits into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and how it should, or shouldn't, have tried to be better about representation. We get right into it and take our time so there will be spoilers as we look at every scene. Enjoy.
Follow us on Twitter
Jordan - @TrueValk
Clare Dickerson - @ClareeEWolf
Cheya Cary - @CheyaCary
Calico Podcasts - @CalicoPodcasts
Nerd’s Eye View - @NEVPodcast
Theme music for Nerd’s Eye View is "Sophomore Makeout" by Silent Partner from the YouTube Audio Library. The logo is from Justin Quizon of Agents of GUARD. You can watch Jordan's video game stream on Twitch. Nerd’s Eye View is a part of the Benview Network. You can check out the website at and contact us at You can also catch some reviews on YouTube.

Show Notes: Jordan had a chance to sit down with Clare Dickerson and Cheya Cary to discuss Doctor Strange, how it fits into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and how it should, or shouldn't, have tried to be better about representation. We get right into it and take our time so there will be spoilers as we look at every scene. Enjoy.
Follow us on Twitter
Jordan - @TrueValk
Clare Dickerson - @ClareeEWolf
Cheya Cary - @CheyaCary
Calico Podcasts - @CalicoPodcasts
Nerd’s Eye View - @NEVPodcast
Theme music for Nerd’s Eye View is "Sophomore Makeout" by Silent Partner from the YouTube Audio Library. The logo is from Justin Quizon of Agents of GUARD. You can watch Jordan's video game stream on Twitch. Nerd’s Eye View is a part of the Benview Network. You can check out the website at and contact us at You can also catch some reviews on YouTube.