Dunston Checks Min

Minute 50 - "Blessed by the presence of fungus" with George of the Jungle (1997)

Andrew and Emily know nothing of American Lords.
Special announcement! Minute 60 will feature some live, interactive segments to be held at Twitch.TV/VeryCoolEmily, more details to come!

Music: Little Lily Swing by Tri-Tachyon (Available from

Check out a special video made to accompany this episode on our YouTube channel.

Patreon: Dunston Checks Min
Twitter: @MajesticHotelNY
Instagram: DunstonChecksMin

Minute 47 - "Slippy Toad slippers" with We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)

Andrew and Emily know that cucumbers are the opposite of bananas.
CW: We Need to Talk About Kevin is a disturbing film. If you'd like to avoid our discussion of it, that happens between 4:14 and 21:46.

Music: Little Lily Swing by Tri-Tachyon (Available from

Check out a special video made to accompany this episode on our YouTube channel.

Patreon: Dunston Checks Min
Twitter: @MajesticHotelNY
Instagram: DunstonChecksMin

Minute 45 - "Everybody needs a hobby" with The Shining (1980) feat. Susan Lee [Women on the Dark Side]

Andrew, Emily, and Susan replace Ack for Ohn. Susan Lee (@lifeonitsside is the creator and founder of Women on the Dark Side.

Music: Little Lily Swing by Tri-Tachyon (Available from

Check out a special video made to accompany this episode on our YouTube channel.

Patreon: Dunston Checks Min
Twitter: @MajesticHotelNY
Instagram: DunstonChecksMin

Minute 40 - "My mom got to you!" with Mouse Hunt (1997) feat. Cheryl Jones [Movies Made Me, It's On My List]

Andrew, Emily, and Cheryl (Movies Made Me, It's On My List) know who is the heterosexual version of Nathan Lane.

Music: Little Lily Swing by Tri-Tachyon (Available from

Check out a special video made to accompany this episode on our YouTube channel.

Patreon: Dunston Checks Min
Twitter: @MajesticHotelNY
Instagram: DunstonChecksMin

Minute 39 - "He looks more silly with a perfectly smooth head" with Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) feat. JPG [Ready Set Geek!, Geek Say What? Network]

Andrew, Emily, and JPG (Geek Say What? Network) have a three-handed shake, not a Spider-man handshake.

Music: Little Lily Swing by Tri-Tachyon (Available from

Check out a special video made to accompany this episode on our YouTube channel.

Patreon: Dunston Checks Min
Twitter: @MajesticHotelNY
Instagram: DunstonChecksMin

Minute 38 - "I wasn't aware of the goo element" with Speed (1994) feat. Justin Quizon [Go Go Godzilla!]

Andrew, Emily, and Justin (Nothing New, That Hashtag Show, Go Go Godzilla!) talk only in the canon of the current minute.

Music: Little Lily Swing by Tri-Tachyon (Available from

Check out a special video made to accompany this episode on our YouTube channel.

Patreon: Dunston Checks Min
Twitter: @MajesticHotelNY
Instagram: DunstonChecksMin